Converting Future Damages to Present Value

When it’s time to calculate damages, a skillful financial expert can discount future damages to present value, providing the ammunition businesses need to receive a just award.Here is an example focusing on how to ensure a reasonable discount rate. Let’s say a company fires an employee for stealing trade secrets. It goes to court to recover…

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Five Features of a Good Collection Agency

Even the most efficiently run business occasionally encounters some delinquent customers. Your company probably has its own accounts receivable process, of which the final step might be turning over a drastically past-due account to a collection agency.Because some states don’t regulate collection agencies very closely, some of these businesses can engage in unethical activities that could…

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A Little Employee Appreciation Goes a Long Way

There are many reasons that employees stick with an organization long-term. They need to enjoy the work (or at least aspects of it); the pay and benefits must be right; and, yes, they’ve got to get along with their bosses. Many business owners underestimate that last point.Building good relationships between staff members and their supervisors can…

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More to Business Valuation than Meets the Eye

Most business owners and attorneys know the basics of the business valuation process. For example, you might know that there are three approaches to value: the cost, market and income approaches. You might even know some of the methods that fall under these approaches, including the:Adjusted book value,Excess earnings, Guideline public company, Guideline transaction (merger and acquisition), Capitalization of…

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Five Rules That Open the Gates

Chances are, you’ve lost a sale that you thought was in the bag.  It happens. The way to improve the odds of success is to learn and follow the five “rules of qualification.” These  are so critical to successful salesmanship that some say for each rule you violate, your chances of closing the deal drops by…

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Why Is the Valuation Date So Important?

It is common to think about which method a business valuation professional will use and whether discounts might apply when considering how the value of an asset will be determined. However, the valuation’s effective date is a critical factor that may not immediately come to mind.  What’s the Big Deal?One of the main reasons an appraisal’s…

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