Barry Warner
2015 Tax Provisions Update
As has been the case the past few years, Congress decided to wait until late in the year to extend a series of temporary tax provisions that have fairly significant implications for individual taxpayers and businesses.
Read More2015 Tax Provisions Update
As has been the case the past few years, Congress decided to wait until late in the year to extend a series of temporary tax provisions that have fairly significant implications for individual taxpayers and businesses.
Read MoreFinancial Statements: Tools of Your Trade
Some “tools of the trade” are specific. Carpenters need hammers. Programmers need computers. Financial statements, however, are critical tools for all businesses.
Read MoreIRC §1031 Tax Free Exchanges
Internal Revenue Code §1031, Exchange of property held for Productive use or investment, was enacted in 1921.
Read MoreTax Efficient Investing
Many employed individuals participate in a defined contribution plan sponsored by their employer, or they have an IRA, and chances are money is invested in mutual funds within those plans.
Read MoreAffordable Care Act Individual Mandate
You have your business tax return in hand ready to sign when you notice the note on the form next to the sign here line: “Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this return, including accompanying schedules and statements, and to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct,…
Read MoreWhat Will You Need to Retire?
Hopefully you have prepared a model that calculates what your annual retirement contributions and other savings and investments will accumulate to by your planned retirement date. If you haven’t, in the previous edition a model for long term planning, projecting and monitoring asset accumulation was addressed. One such model may be downloaded from
Read MoreWhat do you have & where do you want to be?
Financial planners say it is never too late to start saving for retirement; it is also never too early to start saving.
Read MoreFinancial Fraud, Scams & Deceptive Fund Raising
Experts in financial fraud have identified the profile of a financial fraud victim: Male, age 55-62, married, an accredited investor (meaning they have wealth over $1 million excluding residence and mortgage and/or annual income over $200,000 individually or $300,000 including spouse in each of the last two years), have an above average understanding of financial…
Read MoreIRS Errors that Cost You Money
College tuition payments, interest income from U.S. savings bonds and health care expenditures from qualifying plans can all cause income tax reporting errors that cost you money.
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